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Alain LeRoy Locke
September 13, 1885 - June 9, 1954 (aged 68)


HISTORY OF Alain LeRoy Locke


While Dr. Locke achieved many great feats during his lifetime, he is acknowledged as being the first black American to receive a Rhodes Scholarship. The Rhodes Scholarship is a prestigious academic scholarship given to graduate students who chose to perform research in areas of unchartered territory. Because of Dr. Locke’s great academic rigor and stamina, he inspired many young blacks to achieve academic excellence. Phi Beta Sigma Sigma (PBSS) Chapter has named its scholarship awards in his honor. Also, he was a Distinguished Member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

The Locke Scholarship Awards were established in 2009 by Brothers Ado Ellzey and Dr. LaSella Hall to ensure PBSS Chapter, Atlanta, GA was a part of the education solution. PBSS Chapter is committed to helping students achieve academic excellence, by our commitment to honoring high achievers. The alumni chapter honors local graduating high school students in their pursuit of a quality education at an accredited college/university by helping defray some of the expense of obtaining a college education.

Locke Scholars have attended Howard University, University of Alabama, Scripps College, Georgetown University, and Tuskegee University just to name a few of the higher institutions chosen by these scholars.



The Nu Beta chapter is proud to congratu
Most Honorable Brother
Bradley Nathaniel Jenkins
Most Honorable Brother
Thomas Jackson Bengtson

This is indeed a special honor and is of the highest achievement for any collegiate member. It is fitting that we recognize the most Honorable Brother Bradley Jenkins and the most Honorable Brother Thomas Jackson Bengtson for being selected for induction into the Alain Leroy Locke Honors Chapter. They both have reached this incredible achievement by meeting the criteria established for inclusion in this special chapter, and he represents the future of Phi Beta Sigma. They are poised to carry on the legacy of our Brother Alain Leroy Locke, and as a result of a recommendation by the General Board and the voting members at the Conclave, they were inducted into the Honors Chapter.

The Alain Leroy Honors Chapter is the first of its kind in the NPHC and recognizes those who strive to achieve academic success at the highest level. Most Honorable Brother Bradley Jenkins and the most Honorable Brother Thomas Jackson Bengtson are not only just members of the fraternity; they represent one of the highest ideals established by our Honorable founders, Abram Langston Taylor, Leonard Francis Morse, and Charles Ignatius Brown. We are proud of you- continue to represent the best in Sigma!

© 1981 by Nu Beta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Proudly created by Thomas Bengtson

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